Uterine fibroids are the abnormal growth of muscles in and on the uterus. Many of the females from the age group of 30 to 50 suffer from various issues related to the fibroid. For some women, the symptoms related to uterine fibroid are experienced at an early stage, and in some cases, the symptoms are seen when the effects of fibroids are most terrible.
There are various types of fibroids diagnosed by doctors. Some of them are subserosal fibroids, intramural fibroids, and submucosal fibroids. Uterine fibroids that are diagnosed are of different sizes, varying from the size of a bean to the size of a melon. Depending on various sizes, types of fibroids, and women's age, doctors recommend different treatments. Dr. SN Mohanty, the best gynecologist in Odisha gives you the best advice related to your health issues due to fibroid. Dr. SN Mohanty first determines various aspects relating to your fibroid and suggests to you whether you need the surgical or non-surgical treatment for your fibroid.
There are many ways by which you can treat fibroids and soften the symptoms related to it. The doctor depending on the type of your body and fibroid, recommends you the safest way to get relief from fibroid related symptoms. Doctors treat you in mainly two ways; surgical and non-surgical ways. Surgery word sometimes brings fear to the minds of most of the females, but with Dr. SN Mohanty, you will experience a new way of treatment. With a better understanding of the situation and determining the best way of treatment, they recommend you to undergo the surgical procedure or not.
When do you need surgery?
Surgery is one of the ways of treating the fibroid issue. If you are a woman diagnosed with fibroid issues, you are recommended with the surgery if you have the following symptoms:
• Heavy menstrual bleeding
• Frequent urination
• Pain in your lower bladder
• Trouble in emptying your bladder
Surgery is the best option if you are young and dream of getting pregnant in your future life.
Types of surgery
The type of surgical procedure you need to undergo depends on
• Size and number of fibroids
• Where they are located and
• Whether you want to conceive in future
Depending on the above aspects, Dr. S N Mohanty suggests you with one of the following best surgical procedures.
Myomectomy type of surgery is recommended to you if you have symptoms such as heavy bleeding. You can go for this kind of surgery if you urge to have children in the future or you want to keep your uterus. Having surgery does not mean that you many never grow fibroids in the future. But with surgery, the chances of re-growing your fibroid is diminished.
Myomectomy surgery can be carried out in three ways:
1. Hysteroscopy:
Hysteroscopy is the type of surgical procedure recommended to you if you are diagnosed with smaller and fewer uterine fibroids. This type of procedure relieves you from the fibroids that are inside your uterus too. It is the vaginal surgical procedure in which the doctor inserts a thin layered telescope in your vagina and injects the fluids to see your fibroids and examine it. After that, the surgeon inserts the device and destroys fibroids present within. Then the fluid inserted can be washed out along with the fibroid pieces. With this type of surgery, you can return your home on the same day of your surgery.
2. Abdominal Myomectomy:
The surgery is also known as laparotomy used to remove large sized fibroids. The surgeon cuts your lower belly to remove your fibroids. The challenge regarding this kind of surgery is that you need to live with a big scar on your belly after the procedure is done. If you in case decide to undergo this kind of surgical procedure, you should know that you will be hospitalized for two to three days and you need a minimum of 6 weeks for recovery. You need to take your utmost care during your recovery period.
3. Laparoscopy:
It is one of the safest and most recommended surgical procedures to get relieved from fibroids. It is widely used for the fibroids which are smaller in size and less in number. The procedure is very simple; the surgeon makes two little cuts in your belly and inserts a telescope through one of the openings in your belly. It helps the surgeon view the fibroids around your uterus through your pelvis. Through another end, the surgeon inserts the tool that will remove the fibroids. You just need to be hospitalized at the hospital for one night. The surgeon may destroy the fibroids before removing it from your belly. The recovery is faster than that of abdominal myomectomy.
This kind of surgical procedure involves the removal of the whole of your uterus including the uterine fibroid. This kind of procedure is recommended in severe cases when you have a large number and size of fibroids and you are not planning to have children in the future.
The surgeon removes your uterus in three ways:
• Abdominal hysterectomy
• Vaginal hysterectomy
• Laparoscopic hysterectomy
Your body continues to produce female organs even after the removal of your uterus because the surgeon leaves behind your ovaries and cervix in place. Recovery required for this kind of surgical procedure is more than three to 6 weeks depending on your body.
Removal of the uterus with surgery can help you get relieved from fibroid and its symptoms permanently. But you will not be able to conceive in the future.
In all the above-stated types of surgery, the safest and recommended surgery is the laparoscopy. Dr. SN Mohanty is one of an experienced and expert in laparoscopic surgical procedures to help you to get relieved with your fibroid issues comfortably and effectively. Their way of understanding and solving the fibroid related issues is unique. Dr. SN Mohanty provides and operates with the utmost care of your delicate uterus and also helps you with the best possible solutions related to your uterus.