Gynecology and obstetrics are two important areas of medicine that take into account the female reproductive system. We all are aware that a female reproductive system is delicate as well as complicated.
It needs expert attention to assess the female reproductive system so that a woman leads a healthy and cheerful life.
One of the best and senior gynecologists and obstetricians Dr. Suryanarayan Mohanty says that a woman should regularly consult gynecologists to keep track of her reproductive health.
You can also consult your obstetrician/ gynecology doctor online without leaving the comfort of your home. An online gynecologist consultation can help you 24*7 in an emergency.
Who is a gynecologist and what does he do?
A gynecologist is a doctor whose specialization is focused on the female reproductive system and women's health.
Issues related to the menstruation cycle, menopause, infertility issues, breasts, and uterus, etc are a gynecologist's area of interest.
A gynecologist also performs various tests that include blood urine tests, imaging and screening tests, laparoscopic tests to determine the health issues related to the female reproductive system.
Some gynecologists are also obstetricians who can monitor a mother’s health and fetus during pregnancy. You can also consult the gynecologist online and share your worries related to your reproductive health issues.
How can an obstetrician help you?
An obstetrician is a doctor whose core specialization is in pregnancy. That is the doctor covers childbirth-related issues such as prenatal care, postnatal care, prenatal complications, and tests related to it.
A gynecologist or an obstetrician also performs a surgical procedure on a patient if needed. A surgical procedure includes:
- C-section delivery
- Advanced minimal access surgery
- Procedure to treat the severe degree of endometriosis
- Urogynecological surgery
- Laparoscopic myomectomy
- Various infertility treatments
- Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy pelvic floor surgery
- Laparoscopic cancer surgery of uterus and ovary
When to see a gynecologist/ and obstetrician?
It is expected that every woman should see a gynecologist for a routine checkup minimum of twice a year. But you should immediately consult the gynecologist if or a gynecologist online when:
- You experience unexpected symptoms such as vaginal, pelvic, or vulvar pain.
- You are going through abnormal bleeding during or in between the menstrual cycle.
- You are pregnant or planning to be pregnant.
- You have recently delivered a baby.
- You have recently delivered a baby and got your first period.
- Prolonged heavy bleeding after delivery.
- You have queries or issues related to menstruation, pregnancy, fertility, and menopause.
- You wish to have a routine checkup of your breasts.
- Family history of the gynecological condition.
Benefits of having online gynecological consultation:
- You do not have to leave the comfort of your home.
- You get the services at your time.
- No long waiting time to meet the doctor.
- You can share your gynecological problems without any hesitation.
- You can have a second opinion from a specialist gynecology doctor online.
How to get online gynecological consultation?
For online gynecological consultation you can use two ways:
- fill the form and get advice-
Fill the form that is available on the official website of the gynecologist online. In the online form, you should fill all required information about you and explain the query or gynecological issue that you have. After some time you will get a reverting call from the doctor.
- directly call the doctor-
In case of an emergency, you can also call our doctors. Dr. Suryanarayan Mohanty is one of those few doctors who share his numbers with his patients so that he can serve them in an emergency.
Our leading gynecologist and obstetrician Dr. Suryanarayan Mohanty believes in educating women. He genuinely feels that every woman should know what she is going through and what she can do to keep her overall health well and happy. In his gynecological practice of over 30 years, he has provided his dedicated service to solve about 7497 gynecology laparoscopy, 11974 successful deliveries, and 273 gynecology oncology cases.