7 things you should always discuss with your Gynecologist

The female reproductive system is one of the most important parts of a woman's health and well being. Research says that most of the health problems faced by the woman are because of negligence towards her gynecological issues. It can be obvious that they are unaware of certain things related to gynecological issues.

But, a woman needs to know about what is normal and what all things need to have a certain treatment regarding their sexual and reproductive health.

Dr. S. N. Mohanty, one of the experienced gynecologists in Bhubaneswar, says that women should start seeing a gynecologist once they start getting menses. A routine checkup with a gynecologist would help them remain healthy and get alert with the potential gynecological health problems within time. It will help them to continue with a healthy and stress-free life.  

Being a woman it is obvious that you might feel embarrassed to talk about certain issues you have with your doctor. But trust us; consulting regularly with the gynecologist will help you with a proper and in time advice regarding the important gynecological problems.
You should feel free to talk to your gynecologist about the following gynecological issues:

1.    Menstrual problems:

Menstruation is commonly called periods that are an integral part of a female's life. It is seen that this time of the month is really painful for most of the females. For every female, this time and pain are different. Some of the women feel pain and cramps in the lower abdomen whereas, some of the women experience severe legs cramps. In some cases, a woman feels nausea and dizziness. Doctors recommend that you should never neglect these problems as; these problems might be pointing towards one of the vital health problems such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis. It is very important to discuss these problems to get the required advice and solutions regarding this.  

2.    Vaginal odor:

Change in the smell of the vagina is very crucial. You might feel uncomfortable talking about the vagina and odor. If you experience a foul or fishy smell from your vaginal discharge, then you should immediately talk about it to a gynecologist. It may be a sign of vaginal infection or bacterial growth. Consulting it with the doctor can help you to prevent further infection that is hazardous for your health.

3.    Discomfort during or after sex:

It is a very important factor; you should consider discussing it with your gynecologist. It might be a bit uncomfortable thing to talk about, but it will help you to have a good sexual time in your further life.
There are two main areas where women feel sexual discomfort:


  • Vaginal dryness: Vaginal dryness is a common thing women experience during sex. Woman's age and some mitigating factors are responsible for vaginal dryness. If you are young and using birth control pills, then the reason for your vaginal dryness may be the production of more estrogen. The doctor may advise you to change your birth control pills.
  • Painful sex: You might be bleeding after intercourse due to some of the sex positions might be painful for you. It is due to your vagina is not producing enough lubricant. You should talk to your doctor. His advice will help you retain the pleasure of intercourse with your partner. 

4.    In the growth of hair with bumps or swelling bumps:

This can be due to using of razor while shaving if not, it might be pointing towards something more concerning than this. Talking to a doctor will help you to know and get heard about everything going on with your body down there. You might also see genital warts that need to be healed before it gets something severe.  

5.    Intercourse history:

Yes, it is a highly sensitive and uncomfortable point, but you should talk about it. When you visit a gynecologist, he might ask you sensitive questions such as 'age when you had your first intercourse', 'with how many partners did you have intercourse to date', 'how often do you have intercourse with your partner now', these questions are not asked to judge you, but these questions are asked for your further safety.

The reasons for asking these questions are:
•    To determine the risk of cervical dysplasia and the possibility of HPV infection
•    To determine whether there is any possibility of STD 
•    To have an idea that you are having the best gynecological treatment
Hence, instead of having predetermination that someone will judge you, you should find a gynecologist with whom you will feel comfortable to talk and share your private things with him. 

6.    Lower sexual desire

It is a matter of concern for many of the females but feels uncomfortable to talk about it. Hence, as a result, females remain unaware of the reason behind it. If you are feeling the same, then it is wise to talk about instead of imagining different things about it. The reason behind it may be other medications you are going through or a mental turmoil. It might be pointing towards a serious medical condition soon. Stress at work can also be one of the reasons for your lower sexual desire. Doctors will recommend you the ways of increasing your libido naturally by taking therapy sessions if required or a certain change in your lifestyle.

7.    Uncontrolled urine or fecal leakage:

It can lead you to diminish your living quality of life. It can be very unpleasant for a woman, but a woman finds it very uncomfortable to talk about. Some woman finds this problem after childbirth, especially when the baby is large. These symptoms may worsen when they enter the menopausal phase of their life. Hence, talking to a doctor may help you to overcome this problem. A pelvic floor disorder specialist can help you in relieving from the same. 

Talking to a gynecologist will help you to lead a problem-free and stress-free life. A discussion with a gynecologist will work as a mental therapy for you. It will calm your nerves and will help you to have a quality and gynecological healthy life.